项目的成功 历史

The 三人组 program began, not with the Higher Education Act, but with the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the original War on Poverty Statute, which created Upward Bound. 人才 搜索 was established by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and in 1968, the first re-authorization of the Higher Education Act created Special 服务 for Disadvantaged Students (Student Support 服务). Although other programs were added beginning in the 1970's, the name "三人组" remained.

The 三人组 programs were established by the Federal Government to ensure equal educational opportunity for all Americans regardless of race, ethnic background or economic circumstance. The programs are designed to help students overcome class, social, academic and cultural barriers to higher education. The educational and human services offered through 三人组 programs are distinguishable from all other counseling programs in America.

三人组 programs assist students in the entry, retention and completion of post-secondary education; they provide information, counseling, academic instruction, tutoring, assistance in applying for financial aid, encouragement and support.

三人组 programs are very effective and many students from low-income families depend on these programs to succeed academically in high school and college. 事实上,自从 1965, an estimated 5 million students have graduated from college with the special assistance and support of 三人组 programs. Students are now being served at approximately 938 colleges and universities, nationwide.

More information on 三人组 programs